Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

You can’t measure IMPACT in people hearts and minds

Kosh (k0sh.0)
2 min readAug 3, 2021


A big part of loving yourself is showing up for yourself.

So, what does that mean?

To me, that means prioritizing my sleep, eating well, releasing care about what others think and being consistent with my creative ventures.

I was on a call with one of my homegirl’s and she mentioned to me that she was afraid to communicate how she really lives to her audience.

I asked “why?”

She said, “because I don’t think people want to see that. I think they want to see “perfect” people living perfect lives. Like, Lori Harvey.”

This couldn’t be farther from the truth. People want to feel like they can relate and that your version of life, even if it’s slightly better, is obtainable.

This fear of being herself (might I add, she already gets paid to be herself) has deeply affected her ability to market herself.

She doesn’t show up consistently because she’s concerned about what if the post engagement doesn’t “hit”.

hit /hit/ * Informal, relating to content

- a piece of content that does expeditiously well in terms of numbers in a short time


Because you can’t measure IMPACT in people hearts and minds

Also, consider “top of mind” awareness. This means when someone is considering to hire you or purchase your product they think of you first because you landed on their timeline at that exact moment.

I work with people all the time because of that.

“Top of mind reminds them like “oh, I remember Kosh said/did/sold this thing. I should holla at him, right now.”

LIKES DON’T MATTER. They’re vanity metrics. They look good on the outside.

I’ve made more money on posts with less than 100 likes than ones with it. Think about that.

Show up as you, everyday, in every way and your efforts will pay you dividends.

Peace & Love,




Kosh (k0sh.0)

Director + Entrepreneur helping artists market their work, produce engaging content & live healthier lives. Work w/ me: